After all that anticipation, it finally arrived - and I forgot to mention it. I spent the first evening cuddling it, and looking at the pictures over and over. Sad thing is, I probably won't knit anything from it. My favorite designs are either not flattering to the flabby, or knit in a gauge reserved for the patient. Check it out:

Hike in Calmer. Love it, but someone with a short attention span like me can't handle that much stockinette stitch at 21 sts/4"
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Two versions of Trek in Handknit DK cotton. This one's my favorite design, but again - the gauge!! I'm not brilliant enough to re-write the pattern for a larger gauge. Huh? What was I talking about?
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Hobo in Cotton Glace. Another buckle-y design.
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Elspeth in Calmer. Ok, I *might* do this one because I LOVE working with Calmer, and at least there is some patterning to keep me interested.
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