Since there's nothing I can do but sit and wait, I've been stewing in my anxiety. I decided this called for drastic measures. I dug deep into my stash and pulled out some delicious yarn that I'd been saving for a special occasion.
I bought 6 balls of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran last year at a "sale". I use quotes because the store jacks up their prices so much that a sale only brings them down to normal prices. At the time, I didn't know any better, so I bought the yarn thinking it was a great deal. I don't regret it though because it's absolutely soothing. Perfect for this time of need.
I stole a portion of the pattern for Fair Isle Jazz from Scarf Style. I wanted to try something new, and I'd never worked a bobble before. They're fun!

Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran bobble scarf
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I've also been working on two other projects that are now finished, but I can't show them because they're for you-know-who. You'll know who that is, if you're that person!