My Knit Picks order finally arrived, but much to my dismay, the Alpaca Cloud I ordered to make the Tie One On shawl for the wedding didn't complement my dress. Serves me right for taking my husband's advice on color. So into the stash it goes...
So what now? After thinking about it some more, I realized that I probably didn't want to wear a wrap. I'd be better off with a really fabulous scarf, something I can keep wearing while eating dinner at the reception, or dancing afterward. I decided on a great yarn called Disco Lights from Tilli Tomas in the color Burnt Orange.

It's so pretty, I don't want to mess it up just yet. I just want to admire it for a while. So I decided to work on Ms. Marigold in the Elegance yarn that was also in my Knit Picks order. This yarn is really soft and pretty, but it's strange. It started out super splitty when I first cast on, then by the third row it was normal, and now on the fourth row the plies are overly twisted. Weird. But it feels so much nicer than cotton!