Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I cracked the code!

Years ago, when we lived in Texas, I picked up a new book called The Da Vinci Code. I don't usually buy anything when we go to Barnes & Noble, because up until that point, I couldn't remember the last time I read a book that I wasn't going to be tested on.

Since my degree is in Art History, Mike thought I might enjoy this one. He'd been trying to get me interested in reading, so I agreed to give it a shot. Once home, I couldn't put the thing down! I was even reading during the day, instead of watching TV or - gasp - knitting!

I credit that book for breaking me of my reading displeasure. Now that the movie is coming out, there's Da Vinci Code stuff everywhere. Google is running a promotion, whereby the first 10,000 people to complete the 24 games move on to round 2. The prize for being one of the 10,000 is a limited edition replica cryptex. Being a lover of games, and the book, I of course submitted my entry and hoped I would be a finalist. Check out what was in the mailbox yesterday!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, pal.

~Your Secret Pal