Thursday, May 12, 2005

Why don't I ever listen?

All the little tips I've heard over the years from fellow knitters, I somehow think of as "motherly advice". Which means, I'm likely not to listen to it (rebel that I am).

You know when your mother tells you to do something, and you know she's right, but you don't listen and later regret it? That's how I feel about that extra ball of yarn I didn't buy.

One side of the front for Tigger nearly gobbled up 1 ball, so I'm worried I'll run out of yarn! It does, however, look and feel grrrreat!

Tigger cardi
Posted by Hello

I'm a few inches done with the back, and about to run out of ball #2. I don't see how the other 3 balls will complete the back, front, and 2 sleeves! Yeesh. I'll have to place another order, hope it's the same dyelot, and give myself a spanking.

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