Sunday, June 03, 2007

Help Wanted: Finishing Fairy

cherry 001
Originally uploaded by knitterj
I'm amazed that I actually completed something, since I have been so busy keeping my eye on that little stinker that keeps chewing on anything and everything, including electrical cords!

This is the Cherry sweater that I worked on while I was in Europe. Nothing like Rowan Calmer gliding through your fingers to keep you (as the name says) calm during long-haul flights! I don't know why, but I absolutely hate sewing on buttons. As you can see, I am declaring this an FO in spite of the fact that it doesn't yet have its buttons on. I'm hoping the finishing fairy will stop by, but I know that won't happen. There is no excuse either, because I even have the buttons that will go on there! I just hate sewing buttons. End of story.

Oh, and I could also use a dressform, because I don't think sweaters look all that great laying flat. Yeah, I could model it for everyone, but I can't stand self-portraits and my husband takes the most unflattering photos...

1 comment:

lomester said...

well, it looks really pretty lying flat!

Have you seen those tutorials on how to make your own dress form?