I really could have dropped a lot more in my shopping bag, but I was trying to be good. So, here's what I came home with: 13 balls of Tahki Kerry in wine red #5014, 2 skeins of Cascade 220 in Charcoal, 3 skeins of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Tweed (2 in red, 1 in straw), and 1 skein of Lavold's Silky Wool in pink.
As I was taking this picture, I had an intruder.

Also, check out this cool switchplate! Of course, it's in my craft room. :)

Good thing someone knows how to fix your giant images in this post!
Yeah, especially since he was the one who made them all big...
i've missed you!
Glad you got some goodies at your LYS superbowl sale. Mine was a bust.
Love the switchplate. One day i will have a bigger house with its very own craft room and I can put up the switchplate you sent me.
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