I think right now, it kinda looks like a man's necktie, but I'm hoping it will take on a different look once I put the tassels on the ends. This picture doesn't do the color justice!
The silk has been spoiling me. I'm only about halfway done with the body of the drawstring bag, and I have to keep stopping because it's giving me callouses!

I've worked with the Louet Euroflax 100% linen before, and it was murder on my fingers. I thought the MerLin Camelot would be better because it's only 30% linen, but it is still pretty harsh. And what's up with crochet always curling on the ends?
So, it has been raining here for the past several days with no sign of it letting up for the weekend. Very depressing for this California native! We had planned on working on our fence, but I guess that idea is scrapped. I guess I'll just have to continue my research on our proposed Hawaii trip. Oh, why can't it be now?!!!

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